Read on to find out all about us.
We were formed in 1933 and we are a friendly and active group and we currently have 48 members; visitors and new members are always warmly welcomed. We have an active Committee and our Principal Officers are: President Jane Pearson, Secretaries Avril Butler/Andrea Edwards, and Treasurer Fiona Bazley. At our monthly meetings, we have speakers on a number of topics from Chinese cooking and beekeeping to magic, dramatic arts and flower arranging. In the past we have been to concerts at the Bridgewater Hall, theatre trips both local and further afield, plus visits to museums, country houses and beautiful gardens. Have a look at our Save the Date page for upcoming activities, the Events page to see some of the most recent ones, and our Archive for previous outings. In addition we have a craft group and our weekly walking group does around 5 miles each Tuesday. You can see some photos of the walking group out and about on the Walking pages.
During the Covid-19 pandemic we kept in touch with our members by our fortnightly Newsround, and we also had Zoom meetings later on, although we did meet outdoors when we could. You can read about that in our Archive pages.
Kelsall WI celebrated it's 90th birthday in 2023 and we had some special events to commemorate this event; have a look in the Archive to see what we did; there are lots of photos so do have a look!
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30 pm in the Methodist Hall on Chapel Green. If you would like to know more about Kelsall WI, are interested in becoming a member or if you would just like to come along to a meeting to see what we do, please do get in touch. You can also find us on Facebook (Kelsall WI) and in the Kadras Newsletter where there will be an article about our recent activities. Our contact details are on the Contacts page.
Here are our members enjoying the sun at Nunsmere Hall in June 2023 for our 90th birthday celebrations.