October, November and December 2017
Do you know which shipping line traditionally names its ships after English counties? We found out the answer to this question and much more at our October meeting when Christina Spencer, the recently retired archivist for the Bibby Line, gave a very amusing, entertaining and informative talk on the history of the Bibby Line. The Bibby Line started in 1807 in Liverpool and is one of the world's oldest shipping companies still in private ownership. The company has diversified over the years and today is an extremely successful global business operating across a range of industries.
November is our AGM when the committee and president are elected and the secretary and president present their reports. The business part of the meeting went very smoothly and was followed by a Recipe Exchange. Various members had brought along a selection of tasty morsels to try and the recipes could be bought for 50p each.
Our December meeting takes the form of a Christmas Celebration and will be held on Wednesday 6th December at Pryors Hayes Golf Club and we look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year on Wednesday 3rd January 2018 for a Coffee Morning which will be held at Mary Diggle's home.
Kelsall WI welcomes visitors and new members. We meet at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month in Kelsall Methodist Hall. Why not join us as we look forward to another year of friendship and fun, especially as it is a very important year for Kelsall WI, we shall be celebrating out 85th anniversary!
(Avril Butler)