WI April 2015
Cast your mind back three years – do you remember how Spring 2012 was overtaken by Olympic fever? At our April meeting we were reminded of our interest in everything sporting and the competing teams. To make sure that all the events ran smoothly there were 70,000 volunteers needed to meet and greet and to make sure that all safety aspects were taken care of.
Our speaker Norman Dawson applied to be part of this team of games makers. Norman knew about rowing and thought that he may be of help in the sailing and rowing events, but he ended up at Lords Cricket Ground helping with the archery!
He attended a selection board interview which was very serious and once he had been chosen had to be trained. The volunteers had to be prepared to deal with any situation not just guiding the lost, but sunburn advice and maybe dealing with a streaker! All the volunteers were issued with a uniform consisting of 1 Jacket, 2 polo tops, 2 pairs of trousers, 2 pairs of socks and 1 pair of trainers – the trainers were to be worn for 2 days at home to break them in. A large bag to contain the kit and carry the water bottle and baseball cap completed the outfit.
Norman thoroughly enjoyed the archery and the whole Olympic experience and had many rewards for his efforts. He met Princess Royal and had letters of thanks from Seb Coe and David Cameron. The games makers were given a pin badge, an Olympic baton and a Swatch watch. Norman helped many people to enjoy their time at the games. It’s not surprising that the games makers played a big part of Great Britain’s “Smiling Games”.
At the last meeting the President welcomed a new member. She was also pleased to congratulate our quiz team, Ro Cowell, Evelyn Crag-Hine, Janet Herdman and Anne Tonge, on coming 6th out of 21 Institutes in the finals of the County Quiz. This year’s resolution to be put before the government is about the distinction between nursing and personal care in the assessment of need of individuals. Hopefully the government will listen to the voice of the W.I. and do something about it.
A talk by the Cycling Association had been arranged but this was a ‘no show’. Instead we were treated to in-house entertainment when members appeared as ‘Inspiring Women’ from the last 100 years. These women ranged from Lady Denman, founder of the W.I. Denman College, to Mary Berry. The idea was to dress as these women do- or did- and for all of us to guess their identity. It was amazing how the changes affected those people we knew, making, for example, Liz Baskerville totally unrecognisable. We were caught out by Mary Diggle in a nurse’s uniform, who we immediately thought of as Florence Nightingale, but she was really Nurse Cavell, who just fell within the 100 years, whereas Florence Nightingale did not. This proved to be a popular idea, which produced much hilarity.
Nest month Harry Watson will talk about “The humorous Side of a Policeman”. Visitors or aspiring members will be most welcome
Date for your diary: Sunday 12th September - Village Walking Treasure Hunt
(Sandra Bell )
News letter for May
Cast your mind back three years – do you remember how Spring 2012 was overtaken by Olympic fever? At our April meeting we were reminded of our interest in everything sporting and the competing teams. To make sure that all the events ran smoothly there were 70,000 volunteers needed to meet and greet and to make sure that all safety aspects were taken care of.
Our speaker Norman Dawson applied to be part of this team of games makers. Norman knew about rowing and thought that he may be of help in the sailing and rowing events, but he ended up at Lords Cricket Ground helping with the archery!
He attended a selection board interview which was very serious and once he had been chosen had to be trained. The volunteers had to be prepared to deal with any situation not just guiding the lost, but sunburn advice and maybe dealing with a streaker! All the volunteers were issued with a uniform consisting of 1 Jacket, 2 polo tops, 2 pairs of trousers, 2 pairs of socks and 1 pair of trainers – the trainers were to be worn for 2 days at home to break them in. A large bag to contain the kit and carry the water bottle and baseball cap completed the outfit.
Norman thoroughly enjoyed the archery and the whole Olympic experience and had many rewards for his efforts. He met Princess Royal and had letters of thanks from Seb Coe and David Cameron. The games makers were given a pin badge, an Olympic baton and a Swatch watch. Norman helped many people to enjoy their time at the games. It’s not surprising that the games makers played a big part of Great Britain’s “Smiling Games”.
At the last meeting the President welcomed a new member. She was also pleased to congratulate our quiz team, Ro Cowell, Evelyn Crag-Hine, Janet Herdman and Anne Tonge, on coming 6th out of 21 Institutes in the finals of the County Quiz. This year’s resolution to be put before the government is about the distinction between nursing and personal care in the assessment of need of individuals. Hopefully the government will listen to the voice of the W.I. and do something about it.
A talk by the Cycling Association had been arranged but this was a ‘no show’. Instead we were treated to in-house entertainment when members appeared as ‘Inspiring Women’ from the last 100 years. These women ranged from Lady Denman, founder of the W.I. Denman College, to Mary Berry. The idea was to dress as these women do- or did- and for all of us to guess their identity. It was amazing how the changes affected those people we knew, making, for example, Liz Baskerville totally unrecognisable. We were caught out by Mary Diggle in a nurse’s uniform, who we immediately thought of as Florence Nightingale, but she was really Nurse Cavell, who just fell within the 100 years, whereas Florence Nightingale did not. This proved to be a popular idea, which produced much hilarity.
Nest month Harry Watson will talk about “The humorous Side of a Policeman”. Visitors or aspiring members will be most welcome
Date for your diary: Sunday 12th September - Village Walking Treasure Hunt
(Sandra Bell )
News letter for May
There is a lot going on locally, regionally and nationally in this our centenary year.
Your president was fortunate to attend the Cheshire president’s celebration lunch at the Cheshire lifestyle centre on Thursday 30th June. The event was very well attended; over 200 WI members were present. The first speaker was the president of Ludworth and Mellor WI, which was founded in 1918. She gave us a brief illustrated history of their ninety seven years and outlined the current challenges in her role as president today. We then had the opportunity to discuss the challenges the WI faces in the twenty first century, these included: recruiting younger members; encouraging people to stand for office; and communicating using IT. Rachel Hughes then gave a short presentation on the use of websites and social media. Diane Coulton gave some timely reminders about finance and the ways in which we are able to support local charities. The main speaker was Jane Parry vicar of St. Phillip and St. James church Alderley Edge and long standing WI member. She outlined the wonderful contribution the WI has made to society in the last hundred years. Her final slogan was “The heritage of the past is the hope for the future”.
Four of our members are attending the WI Centenary garden party at Buckingham Palace on 2nd June; they are Pat Symms, Marion Nicolas, Mary Diggle and Ro Cowell. Ro is also our delegate at the Centenary AGM on Thursday 4th June. Ethel Addis and Evelyn Cragg Hine have been lucky to obtain observer tickets at the Albert Hall. Some members will be meeting to watch proceedings on television, if you have signed up for this social get together, please talk to Pat, our president about the catering arrangements.
Kelsall official celebration of the Centenary is an afternoon tea at Stonyford garden on Wednesday 10th June. Please reserve a place with Anne our treasurer. If you would like to tour the garden you can pay £4 or you can buy a £7 season ticket on the day.
We are all encouraged to go to the Cheshire show this year to see the WI tent adorned with the centenary banners. See the flyers for further information.
The Hammond School Chester is doing Guys and Dolls as their summer show. We are planning to organise a group booking on Thursday 25th June at 1pm. Tickets are £8; see Pat, our president if you would like to go.
CFWI is celebrating the Centenary and its own 95th birthday on Wednesday 8th July at Gawsworth Hall; tickets are £5 for entry, a glass of Fizz and a piece of cake. Participants are asked to take a picnic lunch. See Margaret, our secretary if you wish to go. The centenary banners and bunting will be displayed on this occasion.
All WI members are invited to the CFWI open day at the house of the Bishop of Chester on Wednesday 22nd July at either 11.00am to 1.00pm or 2.00pm to 4.00pm. Admission is £5 per person which includes light refreshments. See Margaret our secretary if you wish to go.
Two reminders
Members volunteered to make cakes for the Kelsall Clatterbridge event at the primary school on Saturday 9th May. If any more members can add their names to the list it would be appreciated.
Please keep Saturday 12th September free for our Centenary community event for families – A Walking Treasure Hunt.
Pat Symms May 2015
Your president was fortunate to attend the Cheshire president’s celebration lunch at the Cheshire lifestyle centre on Thursday 30th June. The event was very well attended; over 200 WI members were present. The first speaker was the president of Ludworth and Mellor WI, which was founded in 1918. She gave us a brief illustrated history of their ninety seven years and outlined the current challenges in her role as president today. We then had the opportunity to discuss the challenges the WI faces in the twenty first century, these included: recruiting younger members; encouraging people to stand for office; and communicating using IT. Rachel Hughes then gave a short presentation on the use of websites and social media. Diane Coulton gave some timely reminders about finance and the ways in which we are able to support local charities. The main speaker was Jane Parry vicar of St. Phillip and St. James church Alderley Edge and long standing WI member. She outlined the wonderful contribution the WI has made to society in the last hundred years. Her final slogan was “The heritage of the past is the hope for the future”.
Four of our members are attending the WI Centenary garden party at Buckingham Palace on 2nd June; they are Pat Symms, Marion Nicolas, Mary Diggle and Ro Cowell. Ro is also our delegate at the Centenary AGM on Thursday 4th June. Ethel Addis and Evelyn Cragg Hine have been lucky to obtain observer tickets at the Albert Hall. Some members will be meeting to watch proceedings on television, if you have signed up for this social get together, please talk to Pat, our president about the catering arrangements.
Kelsall official celebration of the Centenary is an afternoon tea at Stonyford garden on Wednesday 10th June. Please reserve a place with Anne our treasurer. If you would like to tour the garden you can pay £4 or you can buy a £7 season ticket on the day.
We are all encouraged to go to the Cheshire show this year to see the WI tent adorned with the centenary banners. See the flyers for further information.
The Hammond School Chester is doing Guys and Dolls as their summer show. We are planning to organise a group booking on Thursday 25th June at 1pm. Tickets are £8; see Pat, our president if you would like to go.
CFWI is celebrating the Centenary and its own 95th birthday on Wednesday 8th July at Gawsworth Hall; tickets are £5 for entry, a glass of Fizz and a piece of cake. Participants are asked to take a picnic lunch. See Margaret, our secretary if you wish to go. The centenary banners and bunting will be displayed on this occasion.
All WI members are invited to the CFWI open day at the house of the Bishop of Chester on Wednesday 22nd July at either 11.00am to 1.00pm or 2.00pm to 4.00pm. Admission is £5 per person which includes light refreshments. See Margaret our secretary if you wish to go.
Two reminders
Members volunteered to make cakes for the Kelsall Clatterbridge event at the primary school on Saturday 9th May. If any more members can add their names to the list it would be appreciated.
Please keep Saturday 12th September free for our Centenary community event for families – A Walking Treasure Hunt.
Pat Symms May 2015